Zig Zag – Grass Roots – Bitter Pale Ale 20L


ABV 5%, IBU 50

This distinctive bitter pale ale is a true embodiment of grassroots craftsmanship, blending the best of American and British brewing heritage.

With a pronounced bitterness that harkens back to classic British ales, Grass Roots Pale Ale presents a bold and balanced flavour profile. The initial sip greets you with a sharp, earthy hop bitterness reminiscent of the traditional British ESB style. Yet, as you delve deeper into the brew, you’ll discover a distinctly American twist – a subtle, citrusy hop aroma that elevates the beer to new heights.

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You may have heard that Lithgow’s Zig Zag Railway has reopened, however what you may not know Zig Zag Brewery beer is back too. You will not just be tasting one of the finest beers in NSW,  but also tasting a little bit of history. Since 1888, there has been beer crafted onsite by our master brewers. 

It’s no surprise that the most important ingredient in any beer is water. And that’s where the brewery is situated – built on the site of an incredibly pure rock-filtered spring with a steady flow of water. Adding the best hops, malts, and yeasts creates probably the best beer you’ll ever taste (we know, we’re biased). 

We are proud to win an award at the Melbourne Royal International beer festival for our first ever brew, the IPA. Plus are proud to announce that the same accolade has been awarded from the Sydney Royals Beer & Cider or IPA and the Pale Ale.

Keg Size




Brew Category


Brew Type

Ale / Pale Ale / XPA / Pacific Ale

Ready Time

Delivery Only