Lifeguard’s Lager is a beautifully balanced Vienna Lager that offers a rich malt profile. Featuring a striking amber color, this lager is brewed with a blend of Vienna malt, crystal malt, and a hint of melanoidin malt, providing a subtle sweetness and a complex, toasty flavor. The addition of rolled oats contributes to a smooth, creamy mouthfeel. Balanced with noble Hallertauer Mittelfrueh hops added during a hopstand, the beer presents delicate floral and spicy notes. Fermented at cool temperatures and conditioned for optimal clarity, Lifeguard’s Lager finishes clean and crisp,
Monday: 12 noon – 10 pm
Tuesday: 12 noon – 10 pm
Wednesday: 12 noon – 11 pm
Thursday: 12 noon – 11 pm
Friday: 12 noon – 12 midnight
Saturday: 10 am – 12 midnight
Sunday : 10 am – 9 pm
Brew Type | Lager / Pilsner / Kolsch |
Brew Category | Beer |
IBU | 21 |
Keg Size | 20L |
Ready Time | Now |
Brewery swaps are still on, check the breweries socials to confirm trading hours.
Deliveries will be back to normal from the 6th.
Merry Xmas to all and to all a good Cheers!